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UX and GUI improvements

05 April 2020
The last two weeks were mostly spent on improving the graphical user interface (GUI) and user experience (UX).

ShadowTrackr is continuously growing. Sometimes functionality is improved, sometimes features are added, and things get "bolted on". Over time, clear and readable webpages will devolve into Frankenpages.

Two weeks of tender love and care should have fixed that now. I’m happy with the new layout. Warnings and errors are more consistent, and many asset properties are now clickable links. These links will generate a search query and show you all other assets with the same properties.

Finally, the exports have improved too, try mailing yourself a certificate, website, host or domain page. Just click "mail report" in the context menu (three dots, right upper corner). These reports are intended to mail to the IT staff that has to fix things. You can directly mail them from your account, without having to go trough copy-paste hell. Hopefully this lower the bar and encourages you to improve your security posture even more.

I hope you like the update as much as I do. If you have any suggestions or special requests, please let me know!
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